Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Optimal Egg Yields Are Directly Proportional to Best Chicken Coop

Wanna continuous optimal egg yield on long-term basis from your hen? Then you should have a perfect chicken coop. The laying behavior is seriously affected by the chicken coop design, position and size of your own chicken coop. Here you can get simple construction ideas for building your own chicken coop.

You can get at least 5 eggs per week from a healthy and relaxed chickens in optimal environment. In addition, the total number of eggs produced per hen depends on the breed of the hen. The top 4 things, which ensure maximum egg yield includes-

1) Providing natural vegetation like grass, plants, vines, etc. inside the chicken coop.

2) Covered, warm and secured nesting area.

3) Adequate running space.

4) Good sunlight especially during in the morning.

What is the Right Size Of The Chicken Coop?

You should build a correct size coop for your chicken. Each and every chicken do require 4 sq. ft. You should provide a run within an enclosed area of the chicken coop. Moreover, the number of nest required per 10 hens is only one.

Try to ensure these simple basic conditions in your chicken coop. Once you satisfied these principles, your beloved chickens will remain comfortable, blissful and in the perfect mood to give a consistent, solid amount of eggs.

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